What's the difference
Duplicates are files detected
as duplicate based on same Name, Size and the search mode
you specified: Time, Data or CRC. Ok, comparing by Data or
CRC helps you to detect if 2 files are the same, but also
mean the files must have same Name and Size (if different
Size are considered Bad Duplicates).
Duplicates also belongs to same
folder structure starting with specified Source and Target
folders as reference. This means if you have two duplicate
files "c:\folder1\data\file.doc" and "c:\folder2\documents\file.doc"
you'll get different results:
- Comparing "c:\folder1\data" vs "c:\folder2\documents":
will detect file.doc as Duplicate.
- Comparing "c:\folder1" vs "c:\folder2":
will detect file.doc as Missing on Source and also Missing
on Target, because Comparator Fast starts comparison using
"c:\folder1" and "c:\folder2", and the
folder "data" on Source does not exists at Target,
this causes all files in "data" subfolder to appears
as Missing. The same happens with the "documents"
subfolder on Target.
But if you enable Search Repeated Files at
Scan Parameters, Comparator Fast will detect "file.doc"
as Repeated because the file is repeated (by Name) in different
subfolders. Please note is important to choose the best search
engine that fit your needs. If we refers to previous example,
suppose file.doc at Source have 1,024 bytes and file.doc at
Target have 3,231 bytes, they are Repeated by Name because
have the same name, but are not Repeated by Size because have
different size (files with different size will produce different
hashes values too).
Repeated files are shown in groups, the first column is the
group number. This is just an internal reference number to
help you identify repeated files grouped. Grouped files are
shown in alternate colors, using light green for background.
If you change the sort order clicking on any other column
than Group, the files are no longer grouped, and to avoid
accidents, the colors change, using a light yellow as background.
Each file shows relevant information in a row. You may notice
which file is newer on a group, and also the older file in
the group. This status also can be indeterminated, for example,
when all files in a Group have the same modified Date and
Time, Comparator Fast is unable to determine which file is
newer and older.
on any file name (on file name column) to get Windows Context
Menu for selected file(s). Right-click on any other area of
information in the file's row to get Repeated Files Context
Menu with options. Please note if you alter files using Windows
Context menu, you may need to repeat the scan to get the most
recent results.Each file row have a check box. In Repeated
Files section, you need to check the files to be processed
for Copy to Folder, Move to Folder, Delete, etc.. Unchecked
files will not be processed.