Learning Mode
Check this box to enable Learning Mode. When enabled, you'll be asked to grant/deny authorization to a remote user not in your Authorized Users list. If Learning Mode is disabled, you'll not be disturbed by any message, only users already on your Authorized Users list can access your Network Clipboard & Viewer. Please note that all remote computers on your network you want to work with Network Clipboard & Viewer should be registered on Network Settings first or they'll not be allowed to enter your Network Clipboard & Viewer, unless Learning Mode (computers) is enabled.
Learning Mode (computers)
Learning Mode for computers, when enabled (checked), allows you to grant/deny authorization to a remote computer not in your Authorized Computers list. If disabled, you'll not be disturbed by any message, only computers already on your Authorized Computers list can access your Network Clipboard & Viewer. Please note: is recommended that all remote computers on your network you want to work with Network Clipboard & Viewer should be registered on Network Settings first.
Accept Clipboards
Check this box to automatically accept remote clipboard content from computers on network (content will be saved on your computer, your local clipboard content will not be altered until you specify this action).
Accept Remote Notifications
Check this box to automatically accept remote notifications (when the clipboard content of a remote computer changes, it may send you a silent "notification"). If you accept a remote notification, your Network Clipboard and Viewer will automatically start a connection with notifier computer, and gets remote clipboard (of course, your computer and username must match security configuration on notifier computer or your request will not be accepted).
If you want to stop processing notifications, just uncheck this box.
Ask Password
Check this box to force use of password, defined on same Security tab, to protect local Options and Preferences. If this box is checked, you'll be prompted for Network Clipboard & Viewer's password before enter Options and Preferences.
Authorize first
If this box is checked, Network Clipboard & Viewer will always ask you for your authorization before send your Clipboard content to a remote user.
Authorize first on Top
If this box is checked, when Authorize Window is shown, it'll be always visible.
Allow file transfer
Check this box to enable file transfer from your computer, if requested from a remote user, when your clipboard content are files copied to clipboard. The remote user may select one, some, all or none of the files (copied to your local clipboard). If you don't want to allow this, just uncheck this option. You may use a combination of Authorize first and Allow file transfer, this way, you'll be asked when a remote user is trying to get your clipboard content, if your clipboard content are files copied to clipboard and don't want to allow transfer, just deny the request.
Password Settings
Controls access to your Network Clipboard & Viewer with a password. Remote computers should have the same password to access your Network Clipboard & Viewer, based on your choices:
Verify Password
- Always: all remote users need to verify password to access your Network Clipboard & Viewer computer.
- Non-Favorite Computers: remote computers not in your Favorite Computers list will need to validate access to your Network Clipboard & Viewer using the password.
- No verify password: password will be ignored to access your Network Clipboard & Viewer from a remote computer. This is recommended only on trusted networks/users.
Initial password is now "8888888888" (ten times the number eight, with no quotes). Password always appears as ten characters long for security reasons. Enter the password for your Network Clipboard & Viewer on this box. The other computers should have the same password if their verify method require it to access. Password is case sensitive.
If you change your local password, please make sure the others computers you want to share clipboard have the same password.
To view your local password, the "Ask password" option should be checked when launch Options and Preferences. Double-click the password's edit box to view your password (wait 10 seconds or click balloon to hide). If "Ask password" was not enabled before using Options and Preferences, you'll not be allowed to view local password. This prevents an unauthorized user to view a local password defined by a Network Administrator when Options and Preferences was not blocked by Administrator (asking the password to access Options and Preferences).
Authorized Users
This list box contain all users authorized to enter your Network Clipboard & Viewer. Users are the same used to login your Windows Operating System. This list can be filled manually using the options available within a context menu on the box (using Context Menu key on your keyboard or right-click your mouse on box area). The list is automatically filled if the Learning Mode is enabled, adding enabled and disabled users as your response from Authorization dialog.
Users on this list should be enabled with a check mark on proper box, otherwise, user will not be allowed to enter your Network Clipboard & Viewer. You may use this feature to temporary grant/deny access to some users.
You may add users with wildcards characters.
Example: "D*" (without quotes) will match any user starting with "D".
This way, you avoid the need to specify all users names separately.

If security is not a concern for you (for example, you're the only user in your Lan), you may specify the wildcard "*" (without quotes) to indicate "all users connecting to my Network Clipboard and Viewer" are registered (to be authorized, still needs the check mark in proper check box).
Favorite Users
This list box is useful if you enable, for example, Authorize first option. It contain all users that will be automatically authorized to get your clipboard content, without confirmation, if you enable (check) the option Always Authorize Favorite Users (Right-click the Favorite Users box). A Favorite User will appear on Authorize window as a user icon with a green card in front, any other user (non favorite) will appear with a user icon with a red card in front.
You may drag and drop users from the "Authorized Users" box. If you delete a user from the "Authorized Users" box and that user is on "Favorite Users" list, you don't have to worry about security because the user will not be allowed to enter your Network Clipboard & Viewer.
See Also:Authorize ,Network Settings .