Here you can configure network options:
Is a list containing all computers allowed to access your Network Clipboard and Viewer.
When you use Network Clipboard & Viewer for the first time, you'll need to fill this list using the Scan button. Also you may need to use the Scan button to detect any new computer on your network. You must check the proper computer's box on the list to enable it to connect to your Network Clipboard & Viewer.
Use the Computers button or right-click the Computers list box to get more options.
You may add computers with wildcards characters.
Example: "Ser*" (without quotes) will match any computer's name starting with "Ser". This way, you avoid the need to specify all computers names separately.

If security is not a concern for you (for example, you're the only user in your Lan), you may specify the wildcard "*" (without quotes) to indicate "all computers connecting to my Network Clipboard and Viewer" are registered (to be authorized, still needs the check mark in proper check box).
Click this button to scan your network for Windows computers. Detected computers will appears on Computers list.
Default port
Enter an available port to use with Network Clipboard & Viewer communications. All computers on your network should use the same port to allow connections between computers.
Use IP Address
Check this box to enable use of specified IP Address (if any) on computer's list.
If you specify a host name "REMOTE" and a IP Address "", the IP Address will be used when you require to connect to that host "REMOTE".
If this option is unchecked, the host name "REMOTE" will be used to connect. Your local computer should be able to solve "REMOTE" host name to proper IP address.
Force Hostname
This option defines Network Clipboard and Viewer server's behavior when a remote computer connects to your Network Clipboard and Viewer.
If this option is checked, Network Clipboard and Viewer will force resolution of remote host's IP address to Hostname (slower).
If this option is unchecked, Network Clipboard and Viewer first find the remote host's IP address in already defined Computers List, if found uses the already defined Hostname, if not found will perform a resolution (converts IP address to Hostname/Remote Computer name).
For Example: if remote computer with IP address connects to your computer, the remote computer's name is searched in Computers List (Network Settings) if Force Hostname is unchecked. If IP is not found or Force Hostname is checked, then the remote computer's name is searched on network (slower) using remote's IP address.
Use only computer name
Check this box to use only remote computer's names only (to validate), or using fully qualified host name (including DNS suffix).
For Example:
Computer Name: SERVER1
Fully qualified:
( is the DNS suffix for remote client).
Send Message
Check this box to enable use of Send Message option on Main Menu / File. Send Message allows local user to send text messages to other user(s) on your network, using Windows services (no need of Network Clipboard & Viewer running on remote computers).
Favorite computers
Fill this list with the computers you'll work most on your network. The hint to use Favorites is to keep it smaller, just with frequently used computers (computers you'll get Clipboard content). This way, you have a quick access to the most used computers.
You can fill this list selecting proper Computers from list, and drag and drop those computers to the Favorite computers box.
Right-click Favorite computers box for more options.